Sunday, December 11, 2011

Massive Action

!: Massive Action

Warren Buffett did not become wealthy by investing the loose change in his pocket. Bill Gates created Microsoft by daring to dream big goals. Walt Disney did not visualize one amusement ride. Olympic athletes do not spend time at the gym casually visiting and half heartedly doing one or two exercises.

Every successful person takes massive action. Dare to dream big goals, choose to design a massive action plan to achieve those goals and commit to implementing that plan today. Regardless of whether your dream is making money online with a home based business or a franchise or a brick and mortar business, the business principles are identical. Every successful person and every successful business followed exactly the same formula.

Start by having a heart to heart talk with yourself. What do you passionately desire to achieve? The key words are "you passionately desire to achieve." Your goal must light your soul on fire with an all consuming passionate desire. Selecting a goal which you think you should choose or one that someone else chooses for you creates a disaster in the long term.

My father declared that I did not deserve a college education and that I would stay in the local farm community and get some mundane job as a secretary at a local business. The very thought of doing that drained the life out of me. History records many instances of people who attempted to live the life someone else, usually a well meaning parent, designed for them. Rarely did that lead to a successful and fulfilling life for the child.

This is your life. This is the only life you will have on this earth. You have the right and duty to design the life you desire to live, create the plan to make that goal a reality and take the massive action necessary to implement that plan. IF YOU DO NOT DESIGN THE PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE, BY DEFAULT SOMEONE ELSE WILL DESIGN IT. Who do you believe will do a better job of designing the life you truly choose to live? You or someone else?

Jim Rohn, noted business philosopher asks what you think someone else has designed for you and answers the question. "Not much." Are you willing to settle for "not much" for your life? I am not. Refer back to Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Walt Disney and Jim Rohn. Each one of these men created an incredible empire for themselves by following a simple formula. They dreamed a massive goal, visualized that goal completed, designed a plan to bring that goal into reality and took the necessary massive action to achieve.

Successful business people all follow exactly the same simple formula. Business principles remain consistent throughout the centuries. Whether you choose a successful small business or a gigantic corporation, the business principles are identical. The only difference between where you are right now and where these financial giants are at the peak of their careers is the dream, the plan and the massive action.

You have more opportunities right now with the online business potential than ever before in history. Success comes to those who dream big and take massive action.

Massive Action

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